Human Rights Management Charter

A new Paradigm of peptide for the better world

Human Rights Management Charter

A new Paradigm of peptide
for the better world

Human Rights Management Charter!

We strive to improve the dignity and value of stakeholders in all management activities, and aim for a fair society without discrimination and human rights management that prioritizes people.

To this end, we declare the Charter for Human Rights Management as follows as a rule of conduct and value judgment that all executives and employees of Wellpep Co., Ltd. must abide by, and pledge to make efforts to establish and spread human rights management.

1. We respect the dignity and value of human beings, and prioritize human rights management.

2. We do not discriminate against all stakeholders, including executives and employees, based on
nationality, race, religion, disability, gender, age, social status, or differences in political views.

3. We guarantee freedom of association, collective bargaining and the right to act in order to protect and promote
the human rights of our employees, and strive for job security and quality job creation.

4. We do not allow any form of forced or child labor.

5. We guarantee employees' right to industrial safety and health by creating a safe and hygienic workplace environment

6. We comply with domestic and international environmental laws and regulations,
and strive to protect the environment and prevent environmental disasters.

7. We make every effort to prevent human rights violations such as sexual harassment,
sexual violence, and bullying at work (boss around), and in the event of human rights violations,
we strive to take prompt and appropriate relief measures as well as prevent secondary damage.

8. We protect personal information collected in the course of business management and business promotion,
and ensure customer information accessibility.

9. We respect and protect the human rights of all stakeholders, such as business partners, contract partners,
and local residents in the areas where we conduct business activities.